It’s wonderful, you already have the date of the great celebration. Your WEDDING, the most dreamed day will come true, of course, in addition to having many ideas and many projects in mind about all the events of B-day, the essential thing will be to have the detailed wedding list.

Surely you wonder what is needed, what should I write down first, guest list, dress, banquet, decorations, souvenirs, reception, music, video, photos, oh my! what to do to have everything perfectly ready and not leave anything in oblivion.

A checklist is ideal for these situations, the wedding planning checklist will allow you to organize step by step without panic or nervousness, thus avoiding setbacks or unexpected surprises, the checklist will support you to be prepared and have an unforgettable big day B.

What to write down first? The date, place, guest list, groomsmen, witnesses, budget, type of wedding (civil, religious).

The banquet of what kind it will be, choose the menu, the drinks, the music, the cake, the video, the photography.

The decorations, the flowers, the table and chair arrangements, the signature book, the souvenirs, the invitations, the gift table.

The dress, the shoes, the jewelry, the ladies, the makeup, the bouquet, the groom’s suit, the rings, the transportation, the bachelorette party, the honeymoon.

The dress fitting, the meeting in the room, preparing the speech, the vows, rehearsing the wedding dance, checking the bills, having the emergency kit.

Ideally, you and your partner take the time to write down each of the details, between the two of you they will have better thoughts and ideas to start with the small, medium or long list of details, which will make your big day, the most wonderful day of their lives.

So have paper and pencil ready to start with the first details for the best organization of the B-day.